Deep Product

Insights and advice from the deeper layers of product leadership

The Best Way to Say No

As product leaders, saying no should be one of our core skills. But it’s not always easy, especially when we need to say no to our boss. There is a better way to do it, and it starts with trying really hard to say yes.

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Validation Is the Wrong Word

Everyone knows you can’t build a startup without proper validation. But validation is not the best word to describe what you really need to do and which results you can expect from it. Here is why, and what you need to do instead.

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The Roadmap Dilemma

Are roadmaps still a thing? Given that it is going to change, is it worth putting all the time and effort it takes into building a solid roadmap? My answer is yes, and here’s why.

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5 Limiting Beliefs to Eliminate From Your OKR Planning

OKRs are often the connecting tissue between strategy and execution. But many times execution takes precedence over strategy already in the plan. To keep your OKRs strategic you must rise above the temptation to stick to execution. Here are 5 points that will help you do so.

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Product Strategy Lessons From Dr. House

Product strategy is one of the most important responsibilities of the product leader. It’s also one of the hardest. To succeed, you must be almost obsessed with it. Here are a few guidelines that will help you do so.

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Building Your Management Machine

As a product leader, you are responsible for so many things that need to happen. You can’t possibly keep track of everything without strict routines that will ensure things run smoothly. Here is how to make your management processes tick like a clock.

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3 Core Skills of ‘The CEO of the Product’

The old saying is that a product manager is like the CEO of the product. In recent years people started complaining that this isn’t true because CEOs have authority that product people don’t have. While true, that’s not what this saying is about. Here is what being the CEO of your product really means.

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Why Your OKRs Need a Hierarchy

OKRs are an extremely powerful tool, but many companies fail to see the value they bring. This is often due to poor implementation. Among the many mistakes companies make, a flat list of OKRs is a very common one. Here is why you should avoid it and what you should do instead.

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How to Turn Product Disagreements With CEOs Into Productive Discussions

Saying ‘no’ to your manager is a must-have skill for a product leader. But leaving the ‘no’ just with that would often lead to counterproductive communication and lack of trust. Whether you avoid saying ‘no’ altogether because of that, or say too many ‘no’s, here is how to turn a disagreement into an opportunity for better solutions.

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