Why I Started Using Google

For me, Google’s value proposition wasn’t what most of you would think. Do you know why people use your product? You might be surprised by what you find if you ask the right questions.
The Value Curve Is Not Linear

More doesn’t always mean better. Better quality or performance doesn’t necessarily mean more value. And for some products, the minimum value is close to perfect. This guide will help you understand your product’s value curve so you can invest your resources where it makes the most impact.
They Don’t Understand Your Role as a Product Leader. But Do You?

The role of the product leader goes far beyond managing the product department. Unfortunately, in most companies, there is no one who can tell you that, simply because they haven’t seen it before. Here is your true responsibility as a product leader so that it’s no longer a secret.
The Value Assessment Framework (Part 2)

Your product’s value needs to be defined, delivered, and perceived as such by your customers. If this isn’t challenging enough, what your customers want and need varies based on their profile and maturity with your product. Here is a simple framework to help you understand what they need, and more importantly – where are your current gaps.
The Value Assessment Framework (Part 1)

Your product sells not for its features, but for the value it brings to your customers. Defining the value though is easier said than done. True product value lies in understanding and meeting the deeper, often unspoken needs of customers, beyond just functionality. Here’s a three-step approach to ensure products connect with users on a more meaningful level.
The Critical Role of Product Strategy When Resources Are Limited (Part 2 – Rounds A, B, and Later)

When you start selling your product, you feel great, but that doesn’t last for too long. At some point, the results you expected and even produced in the past aren’t replicating. You add features, you replace salespeople, but it doesn’t help. You blame the market, but often that’s just overlooking the real problem. A product strategy is often the missing link that would convert your efforts into actual revenue.
The Critical Role of Product Strategy When Resources Are Limited (Part 1 – Seed)

A good product strategy is something every company needs. When VCs and customers aren’t throwing money at whatever you tell them, it becomes a critical tool. When you have fewer employees than you need, even more so. Here is how a product strategy can help you create business results, even when the market is not in your favor.
Great Sales and Marketing People Aren’t Enough

There is a perception that great salespeople can sell anything to anyone. They might, occasionally, but do you really want your success to depend on that? Here is what it takes to help them succeed consistently and at scale.
How to Create Magical Products and Truly Solve Your Customers’ Problems

Real invention is hard, that’s why real innovation is hard. Evolution is much easier than revolution. But to truly solve customers’ problems, founders and product leaders must think beyond what they already know about the product. Here are 3 methods to do so.
Do Your Customers Really Want to Pay Less?

We all want maximum value for minimum effort or cost. But which one is more important? In times of an economic downturn, it is very tempting to offer less for lower prices. But is it really what your customers want? Here’s how to look at it in order to make the right decision for your customers.
Not Everyone Has to Be Your Customer

I’m sure you all know that, but knowing and doing are very different things. Here is a quick guide on when and how to let go.
What One Spotify Ad Can Teach Us About Competition

Your competition includes more than the companies that provide the same product or service as you do. Understanding the full space of competitors will help you to know and lead your product at a whole new level.