Ownership Must Be Seen to Be Done

Ownership isn’t just about doing the work—it’s about taking the mental load off your manager while stepping into full leadership. And it requires ongoing communication. Here’s how to make your ownership visible and impactful.
Top 3 Traps Managers of Product Managers Fall Into

Managing product managers is a complex task that goes beyond traditional leadership skills. While you probably have what it takes since you already got the job, there are common pitfalls that can significantly impact your team’s effectiveness and success. Let’s explore these pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.
How to Turn Product Disagreements With CEOs Into Productive Discussions

Saying ‘no’ to your manager is a must-have skill for a product leader. But leaving the ‘no’ just with that would often lead to counterproductive communication and lack of trust. Whether you avoid saying ‘no’ altogether because of that, or say too many ‘no’s, here is how to turn a disagreement into an opportunity for better solutions.
How to Encourage Your Team to Take More Risks

Taking risks is an inherent part of product leadership. But what happens when your team members have a hard time doing so, at least to the extent that you need them to? Here are a few things you can do to help them master this important skill.
Product Leadership Is a Team Sport

Influence without authority has always been the foundation of product management. As product leaders, this is even more important. To succeed, we must influence areas that are way beyond our control, and that’s a completely different ball game. Here are the things you must master in order to succeed.
You Can’t Take Everything Upon Yourself

As product leaders, our success depends on others. We are so used to helping people and making sure the company gets what it needs, that we sometimes take it too far. Where is the line that you shouldn’t cross? Here are three examples of things you shouldn’t do.
Empowerment Is Not the Opposite of Management

In the effort to create empowered teams, many managers struggle with their role in the process. It is easy to think that an empowered team requires less guidance, but it’s far from the truth. It requires a different kind of guidance, but your management and leadership are still required nonetheless. Here is the right kind of guidance to bring to the table.
5 Methods for Organizing Your Product Team to Maximize Productivity

It is never easy to split a single product between multiple product leaders. Which split will serve you best?