3 Surprising Product Strategy Benefits
Not having a product strategy is often painful. You feel the impact of not knowing where you are going. But when you want to convince the company to invest in building such a strategy, you need to be able to explain what good it will bring. Here are three benefits of having a solid product strategy in place.
Product Strategy Iterations
A solid product strategy takes time to build. It usually involves hard decisions and non-trivial questions, which take time to answer well. It can’t be done in a rush, things need to sink in so that you can think it through. Here is the method I use for creating a product strategy that makes sense.
3 Hidden Forces in Your Customers’ Ecosystem That You Must Be Aware Of
There are many ingredients needed in order for your product to succeed. Not all of them are related to your product, or even to your product’s domain. Your customers’ ecosystem has more impact on your ability to succeed than you might think. Here is why.
You Can’t Take Everything Upon Yourself
As product leaders, our success depends on others. We are so used to helping people and making sure the company gets what it needs, that we sometimes take it too far. Where is the line that you shouldn’t cross? Here are three examples of things you shouldn’t do.
Strategic Debt Is the Silent Killer of Startups
With everything you have to do every day, it is so easy to neglect strategy. Not because it’s not important, but because it seems less urgent than everything else you have to deal with right here and now. But much like code, your product strategy also requires maintenance. And when left unhandled for too long, you might barely notice, but the impact can be deadly.
Strategic Roadmap Template
So you have done your planning and now want to communicate your roadmap to management or to the team. You know that you need a little more than a timeline with features on it, but what is this more exactly? Here is a template that will help you not only communicate your roadmap better but also build it the right way from the get-go.
How to Find Your Strategic Anchors
Strategic thinking is hard by definition. It deals with many unknowns, as well as multiple dimensions and variables at any given time. The only way to move forward is to identify the real anchors and build around them. Here’s how to do that.
Product Strategy 101: The Full Guide for Product Leaders
This series of articles should help you structure your way from company vision to product strategy and then to execution
The Product Cannot Be Your Only Tool
When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. As a product leader, other people, and maybe you as well, will lead every conversation with you towards features and product capabilities. While this is where your direct ownership is, as a product leader you don’t have the luxury to focus only on that.
Becoming a Strategic Product Leader, Part 2: Speak Up.
To take a leadership position, your voice must be heard. Even, and maybe especially, when your managers see things differently.
Becoming a Strategic Product Leader: Understanding the Business
Becoming more strategic is one of the most common – and most challenging – development areas for product leaders. This article and the following ones in the series will help you to get there.
How to Quickly Adjust Your Strategy to the New Reality
As the world is slowly starting to come out of the health crisis, many businesses are rethinking where they should go and how. Many of the companies I work with need to readjust their product strategy, either because of force reduction or because of the change in the market itself. Let’s see how to do it fast enough.