How Product-Market Fit Really Works (Part 2)

The journey to product-market fit might seem random, but it actually has a well defined high-level structure. In order to successfully navigate it, you need to understand how it works. Here is part two of the guide that will help you find your way to product-market fit.
How Product-Market Fit Really Works (Part 1)

If you are on the journey toward product-market fit, you know it’s not easy. Part of it is because it’s really hard. Every new product has its own fit to find. But it gets easier when you understand what this journey should look like, and how to navigate it all the way through. Here is a quick guide to help you understand what to expect.
When Your CEO Needs a Strategy Now

If you are the new product leader of your company, your company might be in product leadership debt. In such situations, you would typically be asked to come up with a strategy and roadmap ASAP, but you are still just learning the domain. Here is how to give the CEO what they need while staying true to your professional standards.
What Your Customers Won’t Tell You

Product managers need to talk to customers. It’s not always easy, and they don’t always tell us what we want to hear. But if we listen carefully, we can learn much more than what they actually say. Here is what my boss once taught me about how to really listen to our customers.
Insight From Marty Cagan’s Coach the Coaches Workshop (Part 2)

In part two of this summary, I am moving to talk about strategy and leadership insights. As these are topics close to my heart, I had a lot to say – so here are my thoughts backed by SVPG’s insights on these topics.
Insight From Marty Cagan’s Coach the Coaches Workshop (Part 1)

Last month I had the privilege of participating in SVPG’s ‘Coach the Coaches’ workshop in Europe. After 3 full days of meaningful discussions, I took the time to reflect and share with you my thoughts and insights.
How to Help Your Organization Decide

Complex decisions tend to be stuck in endless discussions. People see things differently, and hard decisions are harder to make on your own. As a product leader, you play a key role in helping align everyone and leading towards a decision. Here are the steps you will need to take in order to get there.
A Simplified Strategic Planning Framework

The goal of goals is to help everyone focus and aim in the right direction. But sometimes, in the attempt to achieve more, companies are not willing to give up on any front, which means no focus at all. Here is how to regain focus and help everyone understand what they need and needn’t do.
Ideal World First, Compromise Later

As product leaders, our professional lives are full of constraints. What’s possible to develop, what can be measured, what management wants, and the list goes on. We are so used to working within these constraints that we sometimes forget to even consider a better alternative. Here are a few places where you don’t want to make this mistake.
Do You Need a Roadmap?

We live in an agile world. Plans change all the time. In such conditions, is building a roadmap worthwhile? This question is more interesting if you are following a coherent strategy, which usually means that you know more or less what needs to be done next. Still, a roadmap has many surprising benefits. Here are a few.