You Can’t Sell Your Product, They Have to Buy It

There comes a time with every product when there is a focus on sales. Money time. But like pregnancy, sales processes take time and can’t always be rushed. Surely, there are things you can do to speed up the process, but it’s usually not selling. What is it then? The answer is below.
Your Problem Isn’t the Leaky Bucket, It’s the Clogged Pipe

The leaky bucket is a known metaphor in sales. If your funnel isn’t converting well, there is no point in adding more leads into it, since they will not convert and there is no gain here. But the truth is, that not only will it not result in a positive impact, it can also actually cause you harm. To understand why, we need to switch to another water-related metaphor: the clogged pipe.
The Sales Funnel Isn’t Really a Funnel

A good product strategy helps you to acquire happy customers and retain them over time. On your way there, there are many potential weak links that can prevent it from happening. Here is how product strategy helps you overcome them.