Three Reasons to Insist on Outcome-Based Planning

Outcome-based roadmaps are considered the best practice; however, they are not as common as you would expect. While the idea is nice, implementation is much trickier, and many companies revert to simple feature stacking instead. Here are three reasons not to give up and stick to the important principle of working with outcomes.
4 Reasons to Disconnect Squads From the Formal R&D Org Structure

Most people think that squads are a formal org structure. They can be, although that requires a very specific setting and a number of supporting systems to work well. But they don’t have to be, and there are major benefits to leaving the formal R&D structure as is, and adding squads on top of it. Here are 4 reasons why you should work this way.
How to Keep Your Team Excited on Long Projects

Getting everyone excited about the next project is always a challenge. But when projects last too long, let alone when they weren’t that exciting to begin with, it’s hard to keep the team motivated, which, in turn, leads to the project dragging even longer. Here are a few things you can do to end this vicious cycle.