What a Customer Journey Really Looks Like

The customer journey is such an important tool when building your product strategy. It must make sense for people to make even a single purchase. In product-led growth, its importance is even more significant. But many people don’t deal with it at the proper depth. Here is an example of how it really works.
Product-Led Growth Is a Misleading Name

Everyone wants to be product-led these days. But does that mean that you are doing product-led growth? And speaking about growth, how strong is this promise? Here is a disambiguation guide to help you understand what product-led growth really means, and what it doesn’t.
The Blessing and Curse of Product-Led Growth

Product-led growth is a hot trend. But how can you tell if it’s just a trend or a real revolution? B2C companies have been doing it for years, so perhaps it’s just a new name for old stuff? The answer, as always, is complicated. Here is what you need to know in order to have a solid opinion.
3 Ways To Educate the Market That Actually Work

Everyone knows educating the market is hard to nearly impossible, but people always bring up examples like Facebook or the iPhone whenever I discuss it in my lectures. So what can and cannot work when you want to educate the market? It’s all about what you want to educate them on.
What the Board Wants to Hear in a Product Presentation

When product leaders need to present to the board, they often talk about the product. But the board doesn’t want to hear about features. They want to know that they can trust you. Here are the important points to make sure you cover.
The Mental Load of Attacking at All Fronts

Managing companies, like households, come with an often overlooked mental load. But ignoring it doesn’t take away its impact, which could eventually lead to not being able to meet any of your goals. Here is what the mental load means for a company and how to deal with it.
Your Technology’s Potential Is a Dangerous Weapon

Technology is awesome. It can do so many things, and it is always tempting to see what it can do next. But as a product leader, you are here for other reasons. You need to lead the product to business success. While that needs to rely on technology, technology is still just a means to an end. Here are a few things to consider before you implement your technology’s fullest potential.
3 Creative Levels in Your Product Career

Product management is a creative job in the deepest sense: We create products. But the level at which we need to do so changes dramatically over the course of a product person’s career, and the transition is not always easy. Here are three levels – each relevant to a different stage in your career and your product. Where are you now?
3 Blind Spots in Your Product Leader Interviews (Company Side)

Hiring a product leader is never easy. You are looking for a partner to join your team and take a significant leadership role. In most cases, you have never been in this position yourself before, so interviewing could be a challenge. Here are a few things to consider when you seek your next product leader.
3 Blind Spots in Your Product Leader Interviews (Candidate Side)

Finding your next job as a product leader is not necessarily easy. This is especially true if you are interviewing as a product leader for the first time, even if you had done the job before. Here are a few things that if you pay attention to would make it much easier for you to get your dream job.
Why Tools Are Not the Answer

Running a successful product organization is hard. There are so many challenges, and everyone’s day-to-day is super hectic. It’s no wonder there are many tools that try to resolve this. But tools alone won’t fix anything and can do the opposite. Here’s why.
Finding the Missing Piece in Your Product Strategy

A good product strategy connects multiple dots together and creates an end-to-end story that makes sense. When done right, there is a moment when you know all pieces are in place. But what do you need to do to get there? Here are the steps to follow.