4 Misconceptions About the Customer Journey

A successful product can only work if people actually buy it. But too many product leaders focus on the product itself and not on what makes it sell. Hint: it’s not features. As product leaders you cannot ignore the full customer journey to make sure it makes sense. Here are four things you might be missing.
3 Ways To Educate the Market That Actually Work

Everyone knows educating the market is hard to nearly impossible, but people always bring up examples like Facebook or the iPhone whenever I discuss it in my lectures. So what can and cannot work when you want to educate the market? It’s all about what you want to educate them on.
Educating the Market Starts With a Need

Educating the market is hard enough as is, but there is one thing without which you cannot succeed. There has to be an unmet need that you can answer. And yes, even Facebook had one.