The Sales Funnel Isn’t Really a Funnel

A good product strategy helps you to acquire happy customers and retain them over time. On your way there, there are many potential weak links that can prevent it from happening. Here is how product strategy helps you overcome them.

Product Strategy Lessons From Henry Ford

Ford Model T revolutionized transportation and powered multiple other revolutions. What made it such a success, and what can we all learn from it? Hint: innovative technology can only take you so far.

The Major Pitfalls of Lean Startup

Lean is a great methodology, but like any other methodology, it can be abused if not deeply understood. In my work with startups I noticed two common pitfalls – opposite sides of lean taken to the extreme without staying true to its core principles. The pitfalls are listed below, as well as how to avoid them.

What Is Your COVID-19? and Are You Ready?

COVID-19 caught us all by surprise, and had a dramatic effect on various industries and a huge number of companies. Even if your industry or company is only mildly impacted, it is a good opportunity to stop and think about what an equivalent crisis would be in your case. Preparation goes a long way, here is how you can prepare for the worst.

Why I Started Using Google

For me, Google’s value proposition for me wasn’t what most of you would think. Do you know why people use your product? You might be surprised by what you find if you ask the right questions.

What One Spotify Ad Can Teach Us About Competition

Your competition includes more than the companies that provide the same product or service as you do. Understanding the full space of competitors will help you to know and lead your product at a whole new level.

The Roadmap Dilemma

Your roadmap will change. That’s given. On the other hand, it takes so much time and effort to build one. Is it still worth it?

How to Quickly Adjust Your Strategy to the New Reality

As the world is slowly starting to come out of the health crisis, many businesses are rethinking where they should go and how. Many of the companies I work with need to readjust their product strategy, either because of force reduction or because of the change in the market itself. Let’s see how to do it fast enough.

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CPO Bootcamp

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Registration for the 11th

CPO Bootcamp

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