How Watching HBO’s Chernobyl Can Help You Become a Better Product Leader

Product people at all levels need to be great storytellers. Since communication is our primary tool, we need to use it smartly to achieve the desired results and impact. However, our world is typically not so easy to explain, so great storytelling starts with knowing what you want to say. Here is a method that will help you get there.

Sticking to Your Leadership When Facing Powerful Stakeholders

As product managers, you often need to deal with stakeholders who are a few levels above you. At that seniority level, they don’t always see things through but still have a lot of impact on your ability to proceed in your own direction. Here are a few tips to help you maintain your leadership even in these challenging relationships.

Top 3 Traps Managers of Product Managers Fall Into

Managing product managers is a complex task that goes beyond traditional leadership skills. While you probably have what it takes since you already got the job, there are common pitfalls that can significantly impact your team’s effectiveness and success. Let’s explore these pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

The Best Way to Say No

As product leaders, saying no should be one of our core skills. But it’s not always easy, especially when we need to say no to our boss. There is a better way to do it, and it starts with trying really hard to say yes.

How to Lead When It’s Not Your Decision to Make

Product leadership is a challenging role because you are expected to lead but don’t have the authority to decide on your own. It’s not trivial, but the right mindset can do wonders. Here are a few tricks to get you there.

Registration for the 11th

CPO Bootcamp

in now open!

Registration for the 11th

CPO Bootcamp

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until April 13th.