The Chameleon Quality

We all have different identities that we use in different situations. As product leaders, using these identities smartly is a powerful tool to make an impact. Here is how to use it with the people you work with as well as your customers.
Leadership Without Authority on Steroids

Leadership without authority is product management 101. You must master it to succeed, in most cases with developers. But as a product executive, you must take it to the next level – and this time use it with the entire management team.
Product Leadership Is a Team Sport

Influence without authority has always been the foundation of product management. As product leaders, this is even more important. To succeed, we must influence areas that are way beyond our control, and that’s a completely different ball game. Here are the things you must master in order to succeed.
3 Surprising Product Strategy Benefits

Not having a product strategy is often painful. You feel the impact of not knowing where you are going. But when you want to convince the company to invest in building such a strategy, you need to be able to explain what good it will bring. Here are three benefits of having a solid product strategy in place.
The Power of Not Understanding

One of the places where product leaders add the most value is by connecting the dots. Seeing a broad picture and making sure everything fits together is one of our superpowers. But what happens when the dots don’t connect? It’s your responsibility to call it out, even if you don’t fully understand why.
3 Misconceptions About CEO Communication

As product leaders, we constantly struggle to balance between getting guidance from above and setting the direction ourselves. The CEO, or any of the founders if you are in a startup, seems to rightfully want to set the tone. Or do they? Here are 3 things you want to pay attention to.
Ideal World First, Compromise Later

As product leaders, our professional lives are full of constraints. What’s possible to develop, what can be measured, what management wants, and the list goes on. We are so used to working within these constraints that we sometimes forget to even consider a better alternative. Here are a few places where you don’t want to make this mistake.
Working Well With People Can Become Your Glass Ceiling

It is a known fact that product people need to work well with others. Our ability to succeed fully depends on it. But as a product leader, this can also become a problem. To make a real impact, you might need to apply new ways of communication and collaboration. Here is how to stop impeding yourself.
To Re-Own Your Time, Optimize for the Right Things

Time management is a hot topic for product leaders. How can you handle a busy schedule and still accomplish the right things? It all depends on what you are looking to optimize for. Here are my favorite tips.
4 Reasons to Disconnect Squads From the Formal R&D Org Structure

Most people think that squads are a formal org structure. They can be, although that requires a very specific setting and a number of supporting systems to work well. But they don’t have to be, and there are major benefits to leaving the formal R&D structure as is, and adding squads on top of it. Here are 4 reasons why you should work this way.
Post-Launch Guide for Product-Led Growth

Your journey to product-led growth starts way before you actually launch the product, but it definitely doesn’t end there. Realistically, this is just the beginning. Here are the things to keep in mind when your product meets the road.
How to Keep Your Team Excited on Long Projects

Getting everyone excited about the next project is always a challenge. But when projects last too long, let alone when they weren’t that exciting to begin with, it’s hard to keep the team motivated, which, in turn, leads to the project dragging even longer. Here are a few things you can do to end this vicious cycle.