The Critical Role of Product Strategy When Resources Are Limited (Part 1 – Seed)

A good product strategy is something every company needs. When VCs and customers aren’t throwing money at whatever you tell them, it becomes a critical tool. When you have fewer employees than you need, even more so. Here is how a product strategy can help you create business results, even when the market is not in your favor.
Leadership Without Authority on Steroids

Leadership without authority is product management 101. You must master it to succeed, in most cases with developers. But as a product executive, you must take it to the next level – and this time use it with the entire management team.
3 Signals That Your Customers Are Ready for You

Your product might be awesome, but if there is no significant need on the other side, it wouldn’t succeed. A need is more than a general desire, and you should trust your customers’ actions more than their words. Here is what to look for.
From Product Management Back to Strategy

In recent years it seems that product management is all about execution and delivery. But you can’t really succeed this way, at least not the way your company needs you to. Here are three mindset changes that you need to make sooner rather than later.
3 Must-Have Product Leadership Skills to Survive an Economic Downturn

COVID is gone, and despite the initial hype, the resulting economic slowdown is here to stay. To survive and succeed, your product leadership must be sharper than ever.
3 Blind Spots in Your Product Leader Interviews (Company Side)

Hiring a product leader is never easy. You are looking for a partner to join your team and take a significant leadership role. In most cases, you have never been in this position yourself before, so interviewing could be a challenge. Here are a few things to consider when you seek your next product leader.
3 Blind Spots in Your Product Leader Interviews (Candidate Side)

Finding your next job as a product leader is not necessarily easy. This is especially true if you are interviewing as a product leader for the first time, even if you had done the job before. Here are a few things that if you pay attention to would make it much easier for you to get your dream job.
Product Leadership Is a Team Sport

Influence without authority has always been the foundation of product management. As product leaders, this is even more important. To succeed, we must influence areas that are way beyond our control, and that’s a completely different ball game. Here are the things you must master in order to succeed.
How to Focus Everyone on Product-Market Fit

Product-market fit in many ways is like the holy grail for startups. It’s hard to find, and the promise is that once you do your (startup’s) life will change forever. One of the key contributors to finding it is focus. You need to keep your eyes on the ball. But how to do that when there are a dozen pairs of eyes? This method will help you make sure everyone is working against the same goal.
The Right Questions To Ask Your Customers

The strategic process requires you to interview potential customers to better understand what they need. Talking to customers is important also on an ongoing basis, to make sure you are staying in touch with the market. But what do you need to ask in these interviews? There are a few common pitfalls to avoid, so here is a quick guide.
Becoming a Strategic Product Leader: Understanding the Business

Becoming more strategic is one of the most common – and most challenging – development areas for product leaders. This article and the following ones in the series will help you to get there.