I have always loved mathematics. I see the beauty in the patterns the numbers create. I love the abstract thinking. And, of course, I love problem-solving, which is the living heart and soul of product management.
Over the years, I realized there was another reason that made me love math as much as I do.
It is a world of 100% certainty. There is always one clear, correct answer. If you find a way to get to it, you can be sure you are right. You can prove every step of the way, and there is nothing to argue about.
It makes your life so easy.
Everything is so simple and clear. Things are either right or wrong, black or white. No opinions, challenging, complex decisions or trade-offs.
If only product management was that simple…
In the product world, the opposite is true. It is rare to have one correct answer. Almost anything depends on so many factors, and only a few of them can be objectively measured. Our decisions are often impacted by what we think the future will look like, and that for sure has no single correct answer (at least at the time of the decision).
As a result, two product leaders who are working on the same product, even with identical experience and background, will make different decisions. They will define the problem differently and, consequently, the solution. They will prioritize differently. Eventually, they will build different products. Both can be a success because, as I said — there is no one correct answer
This puts a lot of emphasis on you, the product leader.
But wait, what?
As product leaders, the fundamental principle we live by is that it’s not about us.
Your opinion is only an opinion. What you think and prefer doesn’t necessarily represent the customers. You are the voice of the market, not of yourself.
You know people will challenge almost everything you say, and you must be data-driven to succeed.
And you succeed.
So much so that it becomes part of who you are and a fundamental part of your professional etiquette. This is what makes you a great product person.
But at some point, this trait you relied on to get ahead in your career no longer helps you.
It’s actually the other way around.
Here is the new skill you must master to become an impactful product leader.

Data is king. Or is it?
Because if data is king, what happens when data can’t prove your point? Not because you are wrong, but simply because there is no clear and correct answer?
In this new world, you need different skills to succeed. It’s no longer about proving your point with data, but also not about charisma and the ability to convince blindly. And since so much of our work depends on other people following our direction, if people disagree it’s often hard to make any progress.
I see many product managers who are “stuck” because they feel they have tried everything they could to convince everyone to move in the direction they believe is right, and people still object. They don’t know what to do next.
I’m not saying you should ignore the objections. The opposite is true. You should embrace them. But embracing them and addressing them doesn’t mean giving up.
In a world of so much uncertainty, almost every decision is risky by definition.
That means that to be able to lead, especially without authority, we must be willing and able to take risks.
And taking risks is, well, risky.
Especially when facing very strong opinions of people around you.
So when people tell you that you are wrong (they never say “maybe,” do they?), how do you know if you are about to make a critical mistake, or is it simply a matter of taking a calculated risk?
How do you move from being stuck to action?
Here are four steps you need to follow to move forward despite objections.
Understand Exactly What the Disagreement Is
When someone disagrees with you, assume they have a point.
But instead of getting their input blindly, get to the bottom of it.
Usually, when you dig deep enough, you get to the core claim that eventually creates two opposite opinions. When you argue about the end opinion, it becomes futile at some point. But when you try to get to the root cause, there is often a very simple thing that you are disagreeing on with the person in front of you. Many times, it will help you uncover a blind spot you missed and should be taken into consideration. Sometimes, you will find out that this thing is indeed a matter of opinion, belief, or preference.
Understanding exactly what you are disagreeing about allows you to take things less personally and move toward resolution. For instance, if you argue with someone about whether your product should support a certain technology, there is often not much you can do with it. But if you realize that the core question is how pervasive you believe this technology will be three years from now (and whether or not you want to bet on it), both opinions suddenly seem legit, and there are also things you can do to estimate the future projection better before you make the call.
In some cases, these discussions will solve themselves, and during this thought process, one of the parties will be convinced about the other side’s original opinion.
In other cases, you will understand that you need to consider some additional points and can iterate over the recommendation. Sometimes, further research can help you dissolve the disagreement (for example, let’s have a better assessment of the future of this specific technology — so that it becomes more of a well-based assumption rather than an opinion).
And in some cases, it is indeed a completely subjective topic. But it will become a very specific one. You will know exactly what it is that you see differently than the other person, and it’s okay to have different opinions.
Lead the Process
When you are trying to get to the bottom of the disagreement, people will not always have answers. You need to help them find the (sometimes hidden) logic behind their opinions. Ask many ‘why’s, suggest alternatives, and share with them what you understood from what they said.
Make it a real conversation where your only mission is to fully understand where they are coming from. Don’t worry about getting to an agreement. Instead, focus on helping them think and helping them help you.
One way to do so is to apply the principle of radical listening. It means listening to the other side with the core assumption that they are right and trying to understand why it is so. Don’t worry about being convinced wrongly. You must trust yourself: If there is reason behind their thinking, you want to be humble enough to add it to your own thinking. If there isn’t, they might be able to see it throughout the conversation, and regardless, you can make your own judgment at the end.
Understanding multiple perspectives before you make up your mind doesn’t make you weaker. The opposite is true.
Assess the Risk
If the previous steps led to a resolution, that’s great. But they wouldn’t always be enough.
Many times, the decisions you need to make are indeed complex, with not perfect answers. You might lose something in whichever direction you go.
Welcome to the world of risk management.
The first step in risk management is to acknowledge that this is the case here. There would be risk, no matter what you choose, and now we need to manage it.
Managing the risk doesn’t mean eliminating it. It means learning to live with it and decide despite it. It also means that there are things you can do to understand if the risk is materializing so you can change course along the way.
To move forward, you need to assess the risk, as well as your mitigation options, and see if you are willing to take it.
The assessment should include things like:
- How likely is the risk to actually materialize?
- What would be the impact if it does?
- How would you know you are getting there?
- Is there a good mitigation that would reduce the risk?
- If it materializes, what would you do?
- What is the alternative cost — of doing nothing, delivering later, delivering something else?
Take the Risk
If, after the assessment, you still feel this risk should be taken, then take it. Simple and easy, right?
Jokes aside, it would be somewhat simpler since you now understand the risk at a much deeper level, including alternative costs and mitigation options.
You can fully own it, even if no one gave you the authority to do so.
If it was your choice only, but bearing all the consequences for the company (for example, if you were the CEO), would you still take it?
If you truly take into consideration everyone’s perspectives and think this is the best solution for all of them, you must be willing to take it upon yourself.
I highly recommend actually saying it out loud — “this is a risk I am willing to take.” It makes it much easier for people to accept it — because they understand it’s a matter of risk management and not a matter of the objective truth.
It also positions you as a leader and establishes your ownership and accountability.
Of course, you must say it if you are indeed ready to take this responsibility upon yourself. If that’s not the case, this is probably not the right call anyway.
With great power comes great responsibility. If you are responsible enough, your great power shouldn’t frighten you. Use it to lead everyone forward, even if it’s risky.