Lectures & Workshops

Transform your approach to product leadership

Professional growth cannot happen in between meetings. That’s what workshops are for. 
Pause for a few hours to learn a variety of advanced topics and get practical tools that you can implement right away. 

The Journey to Product-Market Fit​

Product-market fit is the holy grail for any product. We all want to get our products and companies there as fast as possible.
In this lecture, noa shares advice on what this process really looks like, as well as a unique framework she developed after helping a variety of companies in various sizes and industries create the products the market really needs. Further advice on how to get there faster is also gathered in noa’s e-book on this topic called “Speed Up the Journey to Product-Market Fit” available here.

Building a strategic roadmap

The roadmap, when built the right way, is a powerful communication and alignment tool that helps the entire company execute on the product strategy. Unfortunately, many companies use roadmaps as merely work plans, which misses the opportunity to engage in these important discussions and processes. In this talk, Noa explains the difference between a work plan and a strategic roadmap, describes the right level of discussion that needs to happen around it, and shares powerful frameworks to build your own strategic roadmap.

The 24/7 product manager

Product management is one of the busiest roles out there. We are always loaded with multiple projects at different levels that we need to master.
And within that hustle, it is very difficult to find time to manage any of them at all. In this practical workshop, Noa shares a number of simple tools that will help you take back control over your time.

Product-led growth - a buzz or a necessity?

Data-driven product management existed far before data did – at least data as we know it today. In this lecture, Noa shares from her experience how to make smart decisions using data, what you should be aware of, how to use data for communication and even as a selling tool. This lecture includes examples from the B2B, B2C, and B2B2C worlds, and reviews a variety of frameworks needed for each of them.

Product Strategy Secrets

Product strategy is a mysterious creature and many companies skip it altogether. It’s a hard effort to build one. However, without a solid product strategy, it would be very difficult for you to succeed beyond a certain point. In this talk, Noa will explain what is a product strategy, what it takes to have a good one, and how to build yours.

Creating your AI strategy

Generative AI made AI easy and accessible for everyone. But do your customers really want to chat with your product? Everyone is implementing AI these days. However, chasing after features without a clear strategy will usually not get you the results you want.
In this workshop, Noa gives an overview of the types of AI you can implement in your product and takes your team through an end-to-end strategic process. At the end of the workshop, you will have the tools to answer the most important questions about AI: why you need to implement AI at all, and how are you going to succeed.

MVP done right

Everyone uses MVP, but most companies abuse the term. In most cases, people treat it as the first version of the product, while the MVP is much more than that and doesn’t necessarily include the product at all. The real power of MVP lies in its definition as part of the Lean Startup build-measure-learn loop. In this talk, Noa takes us back to why we wanted MVPs to begin with and provides multiple
examples as long as additional frameworks to make the most out of it.

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CPO Bootcamp

in now open!

Registration for the 11th

CPO Bootcamp

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