Deep Product

Insights and advice from the deeper layers of product leadership

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Empowerment Is Not the Opposite of Management

In the effort to create empowered teams, many managers struggle with their role in the process. It is easy to think that an empowered team requires less guidance, but it’s far from the truth. It requires a different kind of guidance, but your management and leadership are still required nonetheless. Here is the right kind of guidance to bring to the table.

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Management Routines That Work for You

Part of your role as a product leader is pure management: management of the execution, and of the people who report to you. It can be quite challenging, both because it is objectively complex and because of time management. In order to succeed, make sure to create the management routines that would help you. Here’s how.

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The Right Priorities for Your Roadmap

Roadmaps require massive prioritization. But prioritizing what exactly? Many people prioritize features, epics, or themes. It’s nice, but there is a much higher level of prioritization that needs to happen and would impact your roadmap much more. Here is how to discuss priorities at the right level.

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Two Pitfalls of Great Managers

Great managers empower their people. They give them the freedom and their full trust to simply show their greatness and shine. But there is a thin line between empowerment and too much freedom. Too much freedom doesn’t work for them as much as it wouldn’t for you, even if you are not willing to admit it. Here is what you need to be aware of if you want to keep being a great manager, not just in your head.

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How to Lead Your Audience to the Result You Want?

As product managers, we can’t succeed without others agreeing with our direction and doing their part. Meetings are an important tool in that mission. First, you need to prepare and understand what is the desired outcome of that meeting. But then comes the hard part – how to get everyone onboard? Here are some guidelines for how to run the meeting itself and get to the outcome you want.

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How to Make the Most Out of Any Meeting

As a product leader, you most likely spend your day in and out of meetings. This is natural since working with others is how we make things happen. But does it work for you? This simple tip can revolutionize your effectiveness and help you make the most out of the meetings you are having anyway.

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It’s Never Black or White

As product leaders, we need to make so many decisions. Moreover, these decisions are hardly ever straightforward or simple. Here are a few techniques to help you decide nonetheless.

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You Can’t Sell Your Product, They Have to Buy It

There comes a time with every product when there is a focus on sales. Money time. But like pregnancy, sales processes take time and can’t always be rushed. Surely, there are things you can do to speed up the process, but it’s usually not selling. What is it then? The answer is below.

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Bad Feedback Doesn’t Always Mean Your Product Is Bad

Bad product feedback is a bummer. But contrary to what you might think, it doesn’t always mean your product is bad. Products are always meant to serve someone, and if it wasn’t built for the person who gave you the feedback, there is no reason to feel bad about it. Here is a quick guide to strategic thinking about product feedback.

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How Product-Market Fit Really Works (Part 2)

The journey to product-market fit might seem random, but it actually has a well defined high-level structure. In order to successfully navigate it, you need to understand how it works. Here is part two of the guide that will help you find your way to product-market fit.

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How Product-Market Fit Really Works (Part 1)

If you are on the journey toward product-market fit, you know it’s not easy. Part of it is because it’s really hard. Every new product has its own fit to find. But it gets easier when you understand what this journey should look like, and how to navigate it all the way through. Here is a quick guide to help you understand what to expect.

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When Your CEO Needs a Strategy Now

If you are the new product leader of your company, your company might be in product leadership debt. In such situations, you would typically be asked to come up with a strategy and roadmap ASAP, but you are still just learning the domain. Here is how to give the CEO what they need while staying true to your professional standards.

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